Career Counseling

Career Counseling

At the Ace Foundation of Florida, we understand that true recovery extends beyond health and requires economic stability and independence. To this end, we provide robust career counseling services designed to empower individuals to reenter the workforce with confidence.

Our team of experienced career counselors works closely with individuals to identify their strengths, interests, and professional aspirations. They provide guidance on writing impactful resumes, honing interviewing skills, and navigating the job market. This tailored, one-on-one counseling aids individuals in regaining their self-esteem and independence, marking an essential step in their recovery journey.

Moreover, we recognize that practical readiness for job interviews is just as important as mental preparedness. From teaching how to make a positive first impression to providing suitable clothing, we strive to equip individuals with everything they need to succeed.

We even run mock interviews to help individuals practice their skills and gain confidence. In offering these comprehensive career services, the Ace Foundation of Florida aims to boost employability and self-sufficiency, serving as a stepping stone towards a stable and prosperous future for those overcoming addiction.