Free PrEP Treatment

What Is PrEP?

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, commonly referred to as PrEP, is a form of medication designed to prevent the transmission of HIV-1 among individuals who are not infected with the virus. It can be administered either orally in pill form or through injection. PrEP plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of acquiring the HIV-1 virus when engaging in sexual activities with a partner who is HIV-1 positive, provided that it is taken as directed. 

Free PrEP Treatment

Although PrEP does not provide protection against other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and should always be combined with condom use, it is effective in preventing the transmission of HIV-1 from a sexual partner in cases where a condom may break or is not used correctly.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us using the form below or by calling us at the provided contact number.

To access free PrEP treatment, visit our location at 6444 Beach Blvd Jacksonville Fl 32216