How We Help

Help For Those In Need

At our nonprofit, we believe that overcoming addiction is a journey, and we’re here to support you at every step. Starting with awareness and connection, we welcome those in need or their loved ones to reach out and begin a personalized path to recovery.

Our comprehensive approach includes an initial health assessment, a customized recovery plan that addresses not only addiction but also overall well-being, and sustained aftercare for continued growth and relapse prevention.

With a focus on holistic health, we also offer testing and treatment for HIV, Hepatitis C, and other STDs. Whether you’re embarking on your recovery journey or continuing the path, our compassionate team is ready to help you reclaim control and build a healthier, happier future.

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We’re here to help you or your loved ones break free from the chains of addiction. Through various community engagements and online channels, we make sure everyone knows about the invaluable resources and services we offer. If you’re dealing with addiction or know someone who is, reach out to us today.

When you come to us, we’ll start with a comprehensive screening, performed by compassionate and skilled professionals. We’ll discuss your history with substance use, overall health, and conduct confidential testing for HIV, Hepatitis C, or other sexually transmitted diseases if necessary. This assessment is crucial as it paves the way for your personalized recovery path.

Based on your unique needs, our team crafts a holistic treatment plan just for you. This involves not only medical treatment for addiction and any identified diseases, but also mental health counseling and life skills development. We’re committed to supporting your journey to regain control of your life, and we may connect you with additional resources like housing, education, or job training as needed.

Recovery isn’t a one-time event, but a continuous journey. That’s why we offer continued support even after the initial treatment period. This includes group or individual therapy, job placement help, and regular check-ins to see how you’re doing. Our team will continue to provide ongoing testing and treatment for HIV, Hepatitis C, or other STDs if needed. We’re with you every step of the way as you build a healthier and happier future.

A Focus On Dignity

Dining with Dignity is our ground-floor interaction with our clientele. Each Tuesday we provide a hot, hearty, well-cooked meal. Our front-line employees and volunteers warmly and courteously treat those in need with the respect that they are unlikely to find elsewhere in their lives.