Health Services

STD Testing and Treatment

In our commitment to fostering holistic health, our nonprofit proudly offers free STD testing and treatment services. We understand that your overall well-being is crucial in the journey to recovery, and this includes being aware of and managing any sexually transmitted diseases.

Whether you’re concerned about HIV, Hepatitis C, or other STDs, our professional and empathetic team is here to provide confidential testing and necessary treatment. By eliminating financial barriers, we aim to ensure everyone can access the healthcare they need.

It’s part of our comprehensive approach to supporting you in building a healthier and more empowered future.

nonprofit medical

Mental Health Support

Addiction often intertwines with mental health, and addressing both is crucial to fostering lasting recovery. At our nonprofit, we’re proud to house a full-service mental health clinic that caters to the needs of those in the throes of addiction.

Our team of professional psychologists and counselors provides a variety of therapies and supports to help you navigate the complexities of mental health during your recovery journey. From individual counseling to group therapy, we are committed to providing the mental health support you need to recover in a supportive, understanding, and confidential environment.

Together, we’ll work towards not only overcoming addiction, but also nurturing your overall mental wellness to empower you for a brighter future.

Basic Necessities

Making the journey from homelessness towards recovery can feel like an uphill climb. We’re here to provide support every step of the way, including meeting your basic needs.

Our nonprofit understands the importance of personal hygiene, appropriate clothing, and nutritious food in overall well-being and confidence. That’s why we offer hygiene kits, a range of clothing options, and a food service fueled by generous community donations. Additionally, we help prepare you for job interviews, equipping you with the skills to succeed.

These services aim to bring stability and self-sufficiency into your life, enhancing your self-esteem as you navigate the path to recovery and rebuilding your future.